The new Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulation was gazette on 4th June this year. This new regulation has a direct impact on the millers especially under the clause, which requires the particulate matter (PM) emission level to be at below 150mg/Nm³. While many mills are still struggling to fulfill previous level of 400mg/Nm³ constantly, this new set of requirements seems to be a big hurdle and challenge to all of us. While there are solutions such as bag filters or ESP’s, these may result in higher investment as well as maintenance cost. The existing multicyclone cannot guarantee to meet the new standard and the millers have to look into the higher efficiencies dust control system and compliance with the new emission limits.
The survey has been carried out to look into the potential dust control technologies to meet the target 150mg/Nm³ with low CAPEX and OPEX. The Mechanical Recyclone system has been identified as the most promising technology that is proven to bring down up to 150mg/Nm³ and below using other biomass boiler installation. The Mechanical ReCyclone (ReCycloneMH) is made up of a Hurricane with a particle separator (straight through cyclone), placed downstream of the cyclone – called the “recirculator”. The main purpose of the recirculator is to reintroduce the fine uncaptured particles into the cyclone after they have been driven to the outer walls of the recirculator by centrifugal forces.Efficiency increases due to recirculation and agglomeration of very small particles with larger ones coming directly from the process. ReCyclones MH are very robust, do not have temperature limitations and do not have moving parts which need to be frequently changed.